kanumtan โพสต์ 2008-10-3 17:14:46

[DST] Style: Green for Discuz 5.5 / 6.1 has been released

Shuang natural green just as if the rain poured and the bamboo leaves, but also full of a drop of Yuangun, bending the leaves.
You bring fresh, hearty feeling.

For literature, leisure, photography, such as the relatively peaceful nature of the forum.

By " Rain.Stone (Shi Yu)," the design and production style - Green in the DAC has been released For Discuz! 5.5 & 6.1 version.

This style has a period of up to 5.5 better evaluation by the majority of the station's favorite.
In hereby Discuz! 6.1.0 based on the reproduction of this style applied to any discuz code, a key support of the DAC installation, backup and unloading, and high compatibility.
This works to adapt to the current version: Discuz! 6.1
[*]Click to download:  Style: GREEN  fan][*]Click to download:  Style: GREEN  Jane][*]Click to download:  Style: GREEN [*]Click to download:  Style: GREEN Download == == 

[*]Discuz6.1 adapt to the download version: 
http://www.17dst.com/dacserver.php?action=show&prodid=153 [*]Discuz5.5 to adapt to download version: 
http://www.17dst.com/dacserver.php?action=show&prodid=12 [*]Detailed evaluation of this work: 

[ แก้ไขล่าสุด kanumtan เมื่อ 2008-10-3 17:25 ]

sukan2525 โพสต์ 2008-11-27 00:01:06

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ดูในรูปแบบกติ: [DST] Style: Green for Discuz 5.5 / 6.1 has been released