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แก้ไขครั้งสุดท้ายโดย Saokim999 เมื่อ 2010-12-1 15:26 # C H+ V4 p0 v- }7 T- `
2 P& H! I/ o0 S6 i+ @
I will share my Discuz Modifications and Discuz Styles with you.8 L! ~1 a# @5 H; A t
% G; o5 E A- v6 s& O
Discuz is a free forum source, which is currently used by a large number of webmasters. However, Modifications and Styles of Discuz are now not as abundant as those of Vbulletin. I will re-write these Modifications and Styles based on the original Vbulletin versions if they are useful and essential.
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Moreover, I really appreciate creative ideas from Discuz users, which will help me a lot in developing Discuz resources. You can go to “My Ideas” to post comments about modifications that you want to have. And if those ideas are really useful, I will develop them.
- \( s1 k4 t. N! a9 q1 I6 v4 b' Q. o8 Q0 \* Q ?- {( h# `
Furthermore, In this webpage, I will collect and re-post some essential resources for website designers. Hope you will enjoy them!8 ~+ E7 g+ Y% T, I" s
R5 Z) K' f4 W
Available Services:
! R6 c8 N! |) p. f; M# g0 R! ^. Y1 j8 E8 i1 p" |, H
- Discuz Style Package Design
- Discuz Style Development according to layout
- Discuz Skin Ripping
- Code Modification On Demand) F2 a1 h! X k+ q
3 _+ b3 [# e& B9 J6 E" t
& Q% \2 k- o G$ f& E9 F
My forum: yuDiscuz - yuProduction Discuz Products
5 B$ Z: G K) u
0 k2 ~. c8 h5 zLinks: 9 u& F9 p/ D8 k6 d
8 @; A {. C7 G& |3 K9 l
- http://discuz.yuproduction.net/thread-members-who-have-visited-in-the-last-x-hours-for-discuz-fixed-version--5-1-1.html
- http://discuz.yuproduction.net/thread-ucenter-home-space-url-with-username-support-special-characters-3-1-1.html
4 L" Y9 b! G9 m! x5 l! I |