- เครดิต
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- อัลบั้ม
- โพสต์
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- สิทธิ์อ่าน
- 20
- จำนวนผู้ติดตาม
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- ไม่บอก
โพสต์ 2008-1-16 10:57:49
'settings_oltimespan' => '<u><i>Online Time Refresh Interval(minute)</i></u>:',
'settings_oltimespan_comment' => 'Discuz! can gather online time (totally & monthly) for every member. For example, set this value to N will update one\'s online statistics every N minute the smaller the more accurate. Attention! It may affect perfomance. The recommend value is beteen 5-30, leave 0 for no gathering.',
'settings_modworkstatus' => '<u><i>Admin Logs</i></u>:',
'settings_modworkstatus_comment' => 'You can choose whether to log every adminitration action. Attention! It may affect perfomance slightly.',
'settings_maxmodworksmonths' => '<u><i>Admin Logs TTL(month)</i></u>:',
'settings_maxmodworksmonths_comment' => 'Keep administration logs for N months, default to 3, the recommend value is between 3-6.',
'settings_credits' => 'Credits',
'settings_credits_tips' => '<ul><li>More credit setting please refer to ?<a href="admincp.php?action=credit wizard">Credit Wizard</a></li></ul>?',
'settings_credits_scheme_title' => 'Integral set up program',
'settings_credits_scheme' => 'Credits scheme:',
'settings_credits_extended' => 'Expansion integral Enabled',
'settings_credits_extended_comment' => 'Exchange Ratio is used as ratio to change single credits into standard credits. For exmaple, the rate of extcredits1 is 1.5(means 1.5 units of standard credit), the rate of extcredits2 is 3, the rate of extcredits3 is 15, then 1 extcredits3 = 5 extcredits2 or 10 extcredits1. Once the rate is setted, users can exchange credits in CP by themselves, leave 0 to disable this feature.',
'settings_credits_ratio' => 'Exchange Ratio',
'settings_credits_init' => 'Register Credits',
'settings_credits_available' => 'Enable this Credits',
'settings_credits_show_in_thread' => 'Show In Threads',
'settings_credits_lowerlimit' => 'The Lower limit',
'settings_credits_lowerlimit_comment' => 'Users will not be able to do actions which cost credits, when his\'s credits is smaller than this value. Eg. if this value is set to -100, and the action "Search" costs 10 credits, the user will not be able to do "Search" when his credit is smaller than -100.',
'settings_credits_policy' => 'Extend Policies',
'settings_credits_policy_comment' => 'Increase with (+), decrease with (-), you can use negative value here. This value must be between -99 - +99. Attention! The system will need more time to calcuate credits.',
'settings_credits_policy_post' => 'New Post(+)',
'settings_credits_policy_post_comment' => 'Credits given to the author for each new post, if deleted, the increment will be revoked.',
'settings_credits_policy_reply' => 'Replies(+)',
'settings_credits_policy_reply_comment' => 'Credits given to the author for each new reply, if deleted, the increment will be revoked.',
'settings_credits_policy_digest' => 'Labeled Digest(+)',
'settings_credits_policy_digest_comment' => 'Credits given to the author when his post was labeld "Digest" (plus level 1-3), if revoked, the increment will be revoked.',
'settings_credits_policy_post_attach' => 'Upload Attachments(+)',
'settings_credits_policy_post_attach_comment' => 'Credits given to the author for each new attachment, if deleted, the increment will be revoked.',
'settings_credits_policy_get_attach' => 'Download Attachments(-)',
'settings_credits_policy_get_attach_comment' => 'Credits costs for each new attachment. Attention! This policy may have no effect when "Guest Downloading" is allowed.',
'settings_credits_policy_send_pm' => 'PM(-)',
'settings_credits_policy_send_pm_comment' => 'Credits costs for sending PM.',
'settings_credits_policy_search' => 'Search(-)',
'settings_credits_policy_search_comment' => 'Credits costs for each search of posts & PMs.',
'settings_credits_policy_promotion_visit' => 'Promotion Link Visit(+)',
'settings_credits_policy_promotion_visit_comment' => 'Credits given to the member for each visiter through his promotion link(eg. index.php?fromuid=1???fromuser=username).',
'settings_credits_policy_promotion_register' => 'Promotion Link Register(+)',
'settings_credits_policy_promotion_register_comment' => 'Credits given to the member for each registration through his promotion link(eg. register.php?fromuid=2???fromuser=username).',
'settings_creditsformula' => 'Criedits Formula:',
'settings_creditsformula_credits' => 'Totals',
'settings_creditsformula_digestposts' => '"Digest" Posts',
'settings_creditsformula_posts' => 'Total Posts',
'settings_creditsformula_oltime' => 'Online Time(Hours)',
'settings_creditsformula_pageviews' => 'PV Counts',
'settings_creditsformula_extcredits' => 'From definition integral',
'settings_creditsformula_comment' => 'Total Credits is the measurement of member level. You can set formula to cacluate it here, "posts" for the number of all posts, "digestposts" for the number of posts labeld as "digest", "oltime" for online hours, "pageviews" for count of PVs, "extcredits1 - extcredits8" for 8 custom credits defined above. You can use "+ - * / ()" in the formula, eg. "<i><u>posts*0.5+digestposts*10+oltime*10+pageviews/1000+extcredits1*2+extcredits8</u></i>" means total criedts = "<i><u>Posts</u></i>*0.5+<i><u>Digest Posts</u></i>*10+<i><u>Online Hours</u></i>*10+<i><u>PVs</u></i>/1000+<i><u>Custom Credit 1</u></i>*2+<i><u>Custom Credit 8</u></i>". Attention! Once changed, we will have to recaculate everyone\'s credits, so it may affect performance. PS: "Online Hours" & "PVs" can be used cheatting, so please pay attention to it.',
'settings_formulaperm' => 'Expression of authority set up',
'settings_formulaperm_comment' => 'If you visit the page with the authority, then when you set a mandate expression, users must comply with the expression can continue to visit this page. If "posts> 100 and extcredits1> 10" that "posting of> 100 and prestige> 10"',
'settings_formulaperm_and' => 'And',
'settings_formulaperm_or' => 'Or',
'settings_creditstrans' => 'Transferable Credit',
'settings_creditstrans_comment' => 'You can set one "enabled" custom credit as "Transferable Credit", leave blank to disable this feature.',
'settings_creditstax' => 'Credits Transfer Tax',
'settings_creditstax_comment' => 'The value must be between 0 - 1, for example if it was setted as 0.2, then user will lose 120 units of credit after transfered 100 units. Leave 0 for no tax.',
'settings_transfermincredits' => 'Minimum Credits After Transfer',
'settings_transfermincredits_comment' => 'You can set a bigger value to limit tranferings. When the value is negative, it means users can make an overdraft.',
'settings_exchangemincredits' => 'Minimum Credits After Exchange:',
'settings_exchangemincredits_comment' => 'You can set a bigger value to limit exchangings. When the value is negative, it means users can make an overdraft.',
'settings_maxincperthread' => 'Max Incomings Per Thread:',
'settings_maxincperthread_comment' => 'The author will earn no more than N credits for selling threads, but the buyer still have to pay for the thread fully. Levave 0 for no limit. ',
'settings_maxchargespan' => 'Max Time Per Thread For Sell(Hours):',
'settings_maxchargespan_comment' => 'After N hours, the author will not be able to earn anymore from the thread, and the buyer don\'t need to pay anymore for reading threads. Leave 0 for no limit.',
'settings_serveropti' => 'Server optimization',
'settings_transsidstatus' => 'Enable sid in URL:',
'settings_transsidstatus_comment' => 'If enabled, the users can still login even cookies disabled, but it may cause problems for LAN users.',
'settings_maxonlines' => 'Max Online Members:',
'settings_maxonlines_comment' => 'The recommend value is between 10 - 65535. It\'s recommended to set as 10 times of average "Online Members".',
'settings_onlinehold' => 'Maintain online time (minutes):',
'settings_onlinehold_comment' => 'Please visit set reasonable values of the site visits should be small-the values set of 5 - 60, too big or too small settings are likely to increase spending server resources?',
'settings_loadctrl' => '<u><i>System Load</i></u>:',
'settings_loadctrl_comment' => 'This was used under Unix/Linux hosts. When the "System Load" is higher than this value, no new access will be allowed. The recommend value is betwwen 5 - 10, leave 0 for no limit. It may affect performance slightly.',
'settings_floodctrl' => 'Post Interval(Second):',
'settings_floodctrl_comment' => 'The minimum time between 2 posts, for PMs, the interval is 2*N. Leave 0 for no limit.',
'settings_searchctrl' => 'Search Interval(Second):',
'settings_searchctrl_comment' => 'The minimum time between 2 search, leave 0 for no limit.',
'settings_maxspm' => '<u><i>Max Searchs In 60 Seconds:</u></i>',
'settings_maxspm_comment' => 'The recommend value is 5 for heavy load servers, or between 5 - 20, leave 0 for no limit.',
'settings_maxsearchresults' => 'Max Search Result:',
'settings_maxsearchresults_comment' => 'The recommend value is 500, or below 1500.',
'settings_regfloodctrl' => 'Max Failed Registration in 24 Hours:',
'settings_regfloodctrl_comment' => 'The recommend value is 30, or below 100, leave 0 for no limit.',
'settings_postno' => 'Procedural section of an invitation:',
'settings_postno_comment' => 'The class of the procedural serial number of indication of an invitation is set up,example?#?Indication starts to be inspirable and be the next 1 <sup>#</sup>',
'settings_postnocustom' => 'The name of the order of the invitation:',
'settings_postnocustom_comment' => 'After the 2nd line represents the memo by which the first line is a theme when I set up the name of the order of all invitations every theme, go and write in 1 name, and represents a reply of the first of a theme, so its guessed.',
'settings_maxsmilies' => 'Max Occurrences Of One Sinlge Smilie Per Post:',
'settings_maxsmilies_comment' => 'In case to prevent "smilies flood" in a post, leave 0 for no limit.',
'settings_customauthorinfo' => 'The users character representation:',
'settings_customauthorinfo_comment' => 'The location indicated in the invitation of the following the users information is held',
'settings_threadmaxpages' => 'Max Pages Per Thread:',
'settings_threadmaxpages_comment' => 'The recommend value is 1000, or below 2500, leave 0 for no limit.',
'settings_membermaxpages' => 'Max Pages in "Member List":',
'settings_membermaxpages_comment' => 'The recommend value is 100, or below 300, leave 0 for no limit.',
'settings_permissions' => 'Permissions',
'settings_memliststatus' => 'Allow access to Member List:',
'settings_modratelimit' => 'Ratings Limit:',
'settings_modratelimit_comment' => 'This is for moderators & users.',
'settings_dupkarmarate' => 'Duplicate Rates:', |